Friday, May 20, 2011

Le Sigh

Let's see if this works now. I have only been trying to post since May 14th. Seems there was a compatibility issue with IE9. Seems to have been fixed now.
ok, let's try this again...…I am finally able to decompress from the fight with the soon to be ex husband that happened on Mother's Day and the ensuing week. The fight degenerated into name calling by him. Mainly calling me a whore three times. I am NOT a whore! I have never cheated on him, no matter what he thinks or says. But he ALWAYS reverts to name calling when there is a fight. Have I done things in the past that I'm not proud of? Absolutely! Who hasn't? But when someone says they forgive you, you expect that to be the end of it. Not with him. He lied. He never has forgiven me, and he brings it up just about everytime we fight. Well, I am NOT apologizing for the things I've done in the past anymore. And I told him so. I confessed my sins to God and that's all that matters. I am forgiven, because I am a child of God. And the ironic thing is that he is at our church's mens' retreat this weekend. LOL Bet he's not confessing any of this to the pastor. It's now his problem, not mine. I refuse to engage in warfare with someone who plays unfairly by threatening to take the internet, electricity, etc., away from me because he knows that I can't afford it on my own. I am on permanent disability and he likes to use the fact that I have no money as a way of 'control'. Anyway, this weekend I'm FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
LOL…I had a group interview on thursday (5/12) with an adult active living home. It's a beautiful place. The position is a concierge/receptionist position. It's a part time position which may eventually become full time. I think it would be a great fit with my skills and personality. I was the only one of the interviewees to interact with any of the residents before the inteview. And the house dog loved me. She is a Schnauzer named Gina. She is soooo pretty. She came over, wanting me to pet her, so I did and then she laid by my chair for the majority of the interview. Hmmm, I think she cast her vote for The interview process will take about 2 weeks, so I hope I get called back for a second interview.
Update on the job: I didn't get the second interview.
So on today (5/14), I am going to see my uncle for the first time since I had the surgery on my jaw in January, and had the braces removed in March. I think it's going to be really good for both of us. He sounded really good tonight.
On sunday (5/15) I have church, whether physically or online. Then I am filling in for 2 DJs on Tribal FM @ , as they are taking the day/night off. I love DJing for Tribal FM. Check us out!…I guess that's it for now. I will try to update more often.

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